
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Peek into the Pantry on the American Girls Podcast!

Listen to us in the kitchen where the blog first got started!

As many of you probably know by now, Jess, Kirsten and I got to do something very special a few months ago, and I'm so excited to finally get a chance to share it all with you guys! 

Allison and Mary of the American Girls Podcast were kind enough to trek down to my parent's house after Thanksgiving to interview us while we made pepparkakor cookies from Kirsten's Cook Book. Long time readers might remember we've made these before, and you can see the recipe on this blog.

Or! You can hear all about it along with my true opinions on Molly McIntire, the 2001 monstrosity Pearl Harbor and being a professional historian wherever you find your podcasts. Here's a link to the episode on Stitcher: A Peek Into the Past, A Peek Into the Pantry 

It was so much fun collaborating with Allison and Mary and I hope we're able to do it again sometime soon! Happy listening!

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