
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Josefina's Carne Asada

Brightening up a steak with bold flavors in an easy marinade!

We have been suffering through a really unbearable heatwave, just like the rest of the world, and it's made getting excited to go outside even for just a few minutes pretty much impossible. Fortunately, Jess and I decided to try our hand at doing some indoor grilling that had some really fabulous results, which we're excited to share with all of you! 

Carne asada translates literally to "grilled meat," and its a hugely popular staple in northern Mexico, as well as other parts of the country. Read on to see how you can make some yourself, even if you don't have an outdoor grill!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Julie's Sloppy Joes

The perfect hot sandwich to feed a crowd!

Some recipes last generations, and are passed down from family member to family member, or just stick around in public memory as being something tasty that's definitely worth the effort. Such is the sloppy joe, a classic sandwich with a long history that pre-dates the 1970's, but nevertheless appears in Julie's Cooking Studio as a favorite food of Julie's, noting that her new school serves them in the cafeteria for lunch. 

You all know by now that I love trying my hand at recipes American Girl released for their historical characters, and although this didn't make its way into any of Julie's school related accessory sets, I was still eager to give this one a shot.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Melody's Arnold Palmer

The best way to relax and cool down after a long day outdoors!

Okay, this recipe might be cheating a little bit. I mean, it's really simple, is it really worth a whole blog post? 

My answer is yes, because I love Arnold Palmers. Is there anything more refreshing than something that's a little sweet, a little caffeinated, and a little tart? No. No, there isn't. 

Besides that, they do have some interesting trivia behind them, and they're very iconically 1960's. After a long day working on improving her community park or her own garden, Melody could kick back and enjoy this mocktail with her friends and family. Maybe she even would have made it herself!

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Blaire Wilson Tea at American Girl Place

A special event to celebrate 2019's Girl of the Year!

One of the projects I picked up in grad school was doing a deep dive into the history of American Girl programming and marketing to see how the brand has changed over time in hopes of publishing my results in a journal or as an actual monograph. Whether or not that's ever going to happen is still up in the air, but a fun benefit of tackling this has meant I've had a perfect excuse to attend a lot of neat American Girl themed or sponsored events as "research". 

Being close to an American Girl Place has made that even easier, and so when I saw the announcement that AG Place DC was going to be hosting a series of Blaire themed teas, I jumped at the chance to go! Read on to see our pictures of the event and our review - is it worth attending?

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Ivy's Fried Rice

Putting leftovers to good use since 600 AD!

These last few months have felt like an actual whirlwind in our apartment. Between planning our upcoming vow renewal, business at work, trying to get some academic articles written and published, adopting a cat, and keeping up with the blog, I feel like I haven't really had a chance to catch my breath since... maybe February? 

Because of that, it's been very difficult to plan and prep meals, which means anything easy and quick (while still healthy - ish - and filling) has been a huge asset. I'm hopeful that once things settle down again, I'll have more time and energy to devote to non blog related meals, but until then, it's been fun to experiment with some traditional go to's that are easy to make, full of vegetables, and a way to get rid of leftovers that's been used for generations. 

I'm speaking about fried rice, of course!

Friday, July 5, 2019

Addy's Strawberry Nut Loaf

A treat Addy, Abraham Lincoln, and Jane Austen might have enjoyed!

In my experience, one of the many benefits of going to grad school is making a whole bunch of fun new friends who share similar dorky interests to you. These friends are then always willing to hook you up with cool things they discover that might catch your eye, leading to a whole lot of fun collaboration on hobby projects as well as actual academic research. 

Take today's post for example: this delicious tea bread comes from a cookbook I was gifted by a good buddy of mine for my birthday... two whole years ago. Sorry it took me so long to try something out, Ashlee! I promise it was worth the wait. Read on to discover the inspiration behind this perfect summer tea treat and the cookbook that clued me into it.